The Expatriate

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Do Banks Reward Loyalty? International Women’s Day, Taxation for Aussie Expats Properties, Escape to the Country.

We had another big week at THE EXPATRIATE editor Shona Stephenson, tested the international borders for Queenslanders, and managed to make it out of Australia and back in Covid Free! 

Yes, Australia is open for business and holidays! 

PCR Tests are available at the Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane International Airports; Shona grabbed one 3 hours before her flight and was relieved with a Negative after being at the Ride the Wave conference only 24 hours earlier. On returning from Gran Canaria, the Island Medical services weren’t offering PCR tests on a Sunday, and a Certified RAT test was sufficient to make it back into Australia, Queensland. Here is a list of International Testing Facilities. Shona noticed that many people printed out their negative test certificates. However, a screenshot or the test PDF downloaded onto the phone or wallet was also accepted. Just make sure you have sufficient charge on your devices. You must stay up to date on the changes for each country and airline you travel with, as this may change before your flight. Australia has a Digital Passenger Declaration form, that was screenshot and saved to Photos, as a printer wasn’t available. The airlines will not let you board the flight unless all your documentation is in order. Your documents may be checked multiple times when moving through the airport to connecting flights. 

Here is a recap on last weeks’ news topics for you to catch up on

Do Banks Reward Loyalty? 

What happens to my Australian property when I move overseas?

Happy International Women’s Day (IWD)! #BreakTheBias

Escape to the Country or Beach House

Do Banks Reward Loyalty?

So what does this picture of an ultra runner, right, and his pacer on the left have to do with a bank?

This photo to me represents everything good in the human spirit. It shows absolute appreciation, respect, dedication, and gratitude to each other. The ultrarunner made it through his 160km journey over 8000m of climbing, in the beautiful and brutal Brisbane Trail Ultra, Spartan Trail World Championship Event, with his pacer helping him for 80km throughout the final part half his journey, making sure he ate, drank and looked out for him. You can see the mateship and solidarity they share with each other. These are real Australian qualities, values we cherish. The selflessness of the pacer to run 80km to help his friend is a remarkable act of service. The gratitude and respect are there in the photo to be seen.

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What happens to my Australian property when I move overseas?

You don’t have to give up on the Australian dream of owning a property just because you’re moving overseas. With proper planning, you can maintain your expatriate lifestyle and fulfill your Australian property ambitions. There may also be a few tax benefits along the way!

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Happy International Women's Day (IWD)! #BreakTheBias

It is a day that we can all push forward towards a Gender equal world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A diverse, equitable, and inclusive world where difference is valued and celebrated.

THE EXPATRIATE celebrates IWD can forge women's equality and are conscious about the equal representation of women in our industry. #BreakTheBias.

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Escape to the Country, or Beach House.

Escape to the Country or Beach House

They had a chance to escape the cities, and they did!

Sydneysiders and Melbournians escaped the extended lockdowns and moved to green spaces and coastlines. They chose clean air, less congestion, larger property sizes, increased access to an outdoor lifestyle, closer proximity to national parks. The oceans, bays, and beaches motivated a mass exodus of tens of thousands of urban dwellers as the pandemic accelerated the uptake of online technologies and flexible working arrangements. It is a brand new world, those with highly skilled technologies driven roles who took advantage of this change in mindset and chose to improve their quality of life and make a move now that they can conduct a global career from home. 

The Australian Bureau of Statistics says that in March 2021 that 104, 100 people moved interstate. We know this figure is higher since the borders opened in December. The trend continued; the latest statistics in June 2021 say that 30,939 people migrated to Queensland, 4,952 Western Australia, 551 to the ACT, 704 to SA, and 51 to Tassie. This influx of people came from NSW - 16,676, VIC - 18,300. Australian Bureau of Statistics Migration Report March 2021 from Australian Capital Cities to Regional areas is up by 5.9%. Australia's regional residential markets have outpaced capital cities in 12 months.

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We are soon to be announcing two more additions to THE EXPATRIATE Specialist team which we are really excited about. Stay tuned for updates and Join The Club to Stay Informed on the latest information affecting Australian Expatriates.

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