5 Tax Tips for Expatriates Returning to Australia

5 Tax Tips for Australian Expats returning to Australia

5 Tax Tips for Expatriates Returning to Australia

We know you have plenty of things to do when planning for your return back to life in Australia. Not least is to organise your Australian tax affairs. Australia’s tax system is complicated and can be costly for the unaware. After all, you don’t want to have tax regrets just because you didn’t get around to proper planning before arriving back in Australia.

To help you focus on the most important tax planning opportunities, we’ve listed our top 5 tax tips for expatriates returning back to life in Australia.

1.     Private health insurance

This can save you thousands as soon as you step off the plane. Make sure you have the appropriate level of private health insurance upon your return to Australia. Or, better yet, at the time of your departure from your country of residence. 

If you don’t have the appropriate level of insurance, you may be liable to pay extra tax (between 1% to 1.5% of your taxable income) for every day you’re not covered. Taking out an insurance policy can be cheaper than the Australian tax you will otherwise have to pay.

2.     Make sure your overseas income is paid-out before returning home

Once you’re back in Australia, you’ll be paying tax on your worldwide income. So, make sure all of your foreign salary, bonuses, allowances, foreign company dividends, and employee share scheme income are paid to you before coming home. 

3. Review the ownership structure of your assets

When re-commencing your Australian residency, there are lots of reasons to re-assess the ownership structure of your assets. Whether it’s to take advantage of lower marginal tax rates or your investment tax losses, to better utilise the main residence exemption and Australian superannuation or to put in place more robust Australian trust and company structures.

4. Obtain valuations and your assets

In most cases, for any assets you own that are not Australian real property, you will be deemed to have acquired them for their market value on the day you return to Australia.

For your assets that do not have publicly listed prices, you’ll need to obtain their valuations yourself. Importantly, if valuations have recently dipped or worse yet, crashed, consider how you can plan around this before arriving back in Australia.

5. Make a smooth exit

Lastly, ensure you make a smooth exit from your country of residence and do not incur any unanticipated foreign or Australian taxes.

Seek local expertise on the impact of departing your country of residence. Are there any laws that might cost you unexpected exit taxes or require you to file lodgements in the future? What notifications do you need to give?  

In Australia, make sure you’re aware of the tax implications of your arrival. For example, understanding what happens to your foreign superannuation and how that may be taxed in Australia is another critical step in the arrival process.

If you’d like some assistance with your taxation, reach out to Dean Crossingham,

Head of Accounting at Stanford Brown.

The Expatriate always tries to make sure all information is accurate. However, when reading our website please always consider our Disclaimer policy.

Dean Crossingham

Dean is an Accountant and Tax Adviser who specialises in tax services to Australian expatriates and those seeking migration to Australia.

He provides expert guidance in navigating the complex Australian tax consequences of exiting and recommencing Australian residency, first-time arrival into Australia as well as personal foreign investment and business. This includes international relocation tax planning, personal asset structuring as well as attendance to Australian tax return lodgements for Australian expatriates, foreign investors, and businesses.

Dean advises executives, families, and private business owners who are based globally including across Asia, the US, the EU, the Middle East, and Africa.

“For me, helping Australian expatriates and intended migrants is an area that is very important. Relocating yourself and your family to another country is certainly a big decision and there is always a lot at stake. By providing care and expertise across tax planning and compliance, I find that I can really give a lot of comfort and confidence to executives, families, and business owners as their depart, arrive or return to Australia.” 

Dean is a Chartered Tax Adviser, a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, and is a Registered Tax Agent. He holds a couple of Master's degrees and is a published author in peer-reviewed journals for the Taxation Institute of Australia.

The Expatriate - Accounting Specialists

Stanford Brown - Head of Accounting


5 Tax Tips for Expatriates departing Australia


How am I Taxed in Australia?